All is well in Samoa. Heavenly Father has been so good to me.
We taught Rodney again. He is doing so well. He has still been studying the Book of Mormon every day, and he tells us that everything just makes sense. And he keeps telling us about all these things he wants to do better. We read a few scriptures in the Book of Helaman with him:
Ye do know of yourselves, for ye have witnessed it, that as many of them as are brought to the knowledge of the truth ... and are led to believe the holy scriptures ... which leadeth them to faith on the Lord, and unto repentance, which faith and repentance bringeth a change of heart unto them—
Therefore, as many as have come to this, ye know of yourselves are firm and steadfast in the faith.
I am a witness that the Book of Mormon changes hearts. If any person will read the Book of Mormon and pray sincerely to understand, faith in Jesus Christ increases. Faith leads us to repent. When we repent, we come to Him.
Here's a miracle: The past couple weeks we've stopped by to see a family a member took us to. They hadn't been home. Just a bunch of huge dogs barking. We went again this week. Dogs barking again. A guy came to the door and we talked through the screen door. The first thing he said was, "Hey, I have your book" (referring to the Book of Mormon in my hand). The guy, Ed, told us a friend from work gave it to him and he's been reading. Said we could come by next week to teach him more. We realized he was definitely not Samoan. So we gave his info to the English missionaries. Turned out we were at the wrong place that looked just like the house we were looking for, but a few streets away.
On Friday, a member family that I love asked me to baptize their 8-year-old daughter on Saturday. It was an incredible experience that I can't really put into words. The spirit was so sweet. I know that the power of the Priesthood of God is real.
I hit my year mark this past week, and it almost felt like a mini-mid-life crisis. I had a really great prayer that night. I know God hears our heart. I'm just grateful for the opportunity to be here. I love my mission.
Alofa atu,
Elder Judd